89% Onward JohnG March 21, 2020A family-friendly tale of two brothers. One is a social misfit because of his overzealousness as a historical/heritage-lover, while the...
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom JohnG June 15, 2018Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom follows through with the storyline of the 2015 movie. It’s an interesting step forward that brings the...
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Launch Event at SM North EDSA The Block Atrium Haoson May 29, 2018SM North EDSA the Block Atrium is home for the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom exhibit to promote the upcoming movie...
Family Is What You Make It: Parents Haoson May 11, 2017[Spoiler Alert: I’ll be mentioning some scenes from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 in this post that aren’t released...
Passengers | DAGeeks Movie Review JohnG January 11, 2017Without being able to see the trailers for the movie, I had thought Passengers was going to simply be a...