Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters Billy Añonuevo January 20, 2018The Kamen Rider franchise has no shortage of video games to its name. The latest outing, Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters...
Five More Fighters Added to Kamen Rider Climax Fighters Line-up Haoson November 4, 2017Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia has announced the next five playable characters in the upcoming Kamen Rider Climax Fighters that is...
Reflections in Geek Culture: Gaim Putting A Different Perspective on Anger Haoson June 11, 2016Writer’s Note: this post was taken from my personal blog. This post talk’s about a situation from the Kamen Rider Series: Gaim....
Reflections in Geek Culture: My/Micchi’s Redemption Haoson June 4, 2016Writer’s Note: this post was taken from my personal blog. This post talk’s about a character from the Kamen Rider Series: Gaim. And...