Doom Patrol’s Two Seasons Coming to HBO GO on June 27 Haoson June 25, 2020What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stranger HBO GO has announced that two seasons of the DC series, Doom Patrol...
Remembering Those Who Have Passed: A May the Fourth Memorial JohnG May 4, 2019John May the Fourth has become in recent years a fun date to look forward to. I’ve been a fan...
Rogue One is the Missing Link Movie You Are Looking For | DAGeeks Movie Review Haoson December 17, 2016One of the things that I’ve felt that I haven’t connected properly in the Star Wars world is the plight...
Globe Wins the Internet with Their Latest Rogue One Ad Haoson December 8, 2016One of the more resounding themes in the upcoming Star Wars Rogue One: a Star Wars Story is that of...