Powerpuff Girls To Get A Live-Action Adaptation at The CW Patty Uy September 2, 2020The CW is developing a live-action adaptation of the classic Cartoon Network series The Powerpuff Girls. The original series, made...
Doom Patrol’s Two Seasons Coming to HBO GO on June 27 Haoson June 25, 2020What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stranger HBO GO has announced that two seasons of the DC series, Doom Patrol...
The CW Releases the First Poster of the Nancy Drew TV Series Haoson May 8, 2019In a move that we never really wanted/expected, but we’re getting a Nancy Drew TV Series courtesy of The CW,...
The Netflix Experience – This APCC 2018 Gio Sarmiento July 31, 2018Here at AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2018, Netflix is one of the major sponsors. With that they have provided for us,...