Using Video as A Marketing Tool
There are many opportunities to market your small business online, and you should at least have a website and several social media accounts. When you first set up your business, you need to concentrate on establishing yourself online using these basic tools, perfecting your website and getting into the routine of adding content regularly and making frequent social media posts. When you’re in the swing of things, then it’s time to think about taking the next steps in your online marketing strategy, and one very effective way of doing this is with video.
Why video works
You only have to look at the success of YouTube to realise how influential videos can be. Anyone, anywhere in the world, can take a home video and post it for free, and if enough people see it, it can have a major impact on your business. People love videos, because they are so immediate, easy to understand, and can provoke a genuine emotional response. They can also be very helpful, if you want to learn about a topic or find out how to do something. You don’t need special equipment or a big financial investment, and apart from being able to record and upload your video you don’t need any technical expertise either, you just need a good video editor which can help you in creating and editing attractive and engaging videos. It’s the perfect platform for online marketing.
What kind of videos should you post?
Your choice will depend on what you’re trying to sell, and what you want to convey about your business. If you are involved in any kind of sport or outdoor activity, then videos shot by people participating in the activity are very effective, giving a real flavour of the excitement of taking part. The development of GoPros and similar head cam video devices has made this type of film much easier for amateurs to shoot. If you haven’t used a head cam before, get some expert information and advice from an authoritative website like If you want to sell a product or a service by filming yourself talking about your business, make sure there is something unique about your presentation, and remember to push your USP so that you stand out from the crowd.
Tips for videos that work
To make an impact on your business, your videos need to be viewed by as many people as possible. You should share links to your video on your other online platforms, and get as much publicity for your videos as you can via reviews, recommendations, and features on other websites. Don’t be afraid to give information away, because some of the most successful marketing starts with people being impressed by the value of your free offerings, which then leads to loyal followers who will go on to purchase from you.
The more people that view your video, the bigger a following you will build. This is important because you will then start to feel the benefits in increased sales; but it also means you can start to monetize your YouTube channel to provide an additional revenue stream.