Paladins Southeast Asia Representative, FearUs Heads to DreamHack Amidst Visa Problems

The Paladins Southeast Asia team FearUs, is on it’s way to Spain for the Paladins Summer Premier at Dreamhack Valencia that will happen this coming July 13-16.

FearUs’ trip though went off with a rocky start as the team’s core was taken down a notch or two as Philippines based core member, RestrictedGod and Paladins Product Manager, JBlaze were both denied visas to enter the country. Another core member, Agnical, at the last minute also mentioned that he will not be able to fly to Spain due to personal issues as well.

FearUs added Mimzki (Jaymie Uy) and Muxt (Marvin Lew) to fill-in the gaps that Agnical and RestrictedGOD left to at least be able to have a full roster team.

So the current line-up of FearUs coming in for Dreamhack Valencia is as follows:

  • KingMOECCHI – Ariq Wynalda
  • Feezlefeez – Johan Men
  • FarrellYkw – Farrell Viardisa
  • Mimzki – Jaymie Uy
  • Muxt – Marvin Lew

Also, aside from having last member team changes, FearUs will come in the Paladins Summer Premier facing against the Ranked #1 Paladins team, Gankstars in the 1st round elimination tournament for the Summer Premier.

So it seems like an uphill battle for FearUs right at the get-go. Here’s to hoping our SEA representatives would be able to win that top spot!