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Avatar: The Last Airbender Creators Establishes Studio to Expand Universe

Earlier today I saw a post on Michael Dante DiMartino‘s Facebook page an announcement that is exciting every Avatar (not the blue aliens) fan. They have established Avatar Studios, which will be under Nickelodeon. The purpose of which is to primarily focus on expanding the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe through animated projects

Here is their quote from the announcement

As quoted from the post:

It’s hard to believe it’s been 19 years since we created Avatar: The Last Airbender. But even after all that time, there are still many stories and time periods in Aang’s world that we are eager to bring to life. We are fortunate to have an ever-growing community of passionate fans that enjoys exploring the Avatarverse as much as we do. And with this new Avatar Studios venture we have an unparalleled opportunity to develop our franchise and its storytelling on a vast scale, in myriad exciting ways and mediums. We are exceedingly grateful to Brian Robbins and Ramsey Naito for their enthusiasm and respect for the Avatar property and us as its stewards. From the start, they’ve supported our ambitious plans and created a positive, proactive environment for us. We’re excited to be back at Nickelodeon where Avatar began, doing what we do best in the biggest way possible. We can’t wait to build the great teams and productions to make all of this fantasy a reality.

It’s been established to make animated projects, so this could mean an animated movie, maybe shows about the stories from the comics, or even completely new stories that happen across the world from where the gaang were. Who knows? All I know is that I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.