Shopee Shop Green Campaign Would Last Until April 25 Header Image

Shopee Shop Green Campaign Would Last Until April 25

Shopee, in hopes of educating Filipinos more about going green. Is providing their list of suggested products you can get during their Shop Green campaign which would last until April 25.

Shop Green Tip #1 Eat low on the food chain.

Red meat is one of the biggest contributors to harmful emissions. We know giving up steak forever is hard, but once in a while, try swapping out red meat and processed food for plant-based meat. Even better, consider alternatives such as fish, fruits, and vegetables. Aside from reducing your personal carbon footprint, you can enjoy a healthier diet! It’s also a great way to support our local farmers and fishermen. 

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Shop Green Tip #2 Use eco-friendly household products. 

Since most of us are quarantining at home, our household product consumption has increased. Unfortunately, many of these daily essentials, such as toothbrushes, shampoos, and cleaning materials, are made with toxic chemicals that harm the environment. Luckily, more brands have developed sustainable products that we can use as alternatives. 

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Shop Green Tip #3 Plant your own garden

Many of us recently unleashed our inner plantitos and plantitas. It’s fun, therapeutic, and one of the best ways we can practice environmental stewardship! Your plant babies can help get rid of toxic air released by furniture and electronics. Growing an urban garden and eating your own vegetables can also help reduce the impact of transporting produce, which takes up a lot of energy. Growing and caring for your plants will benefit your overall physical and mental well-being, all while helping fight climate change.

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Shop Green Tip #4 Reduce consumption of single-use plastics.

Disposable utensils, straws, and plastic water bottles are convenient when you’re on the go, but they’re also bad for the environment. These single-use plastics all end up in landfills and waterways. However, the simple act of substituting these items with more sustainable options is already a big step towards positive change. Avoid using them and instead, purchase reusable products that can last you for years to come. 

Check out: 

Change starts within us. Remember, even the smallest acts can yield big results in the long run. Together, let’s all do our part in the conservation of our home—Mother Earth. 

You can discover exclusive deals and discounts up to 25% off on these sustainable and eco-friendly products at Shopee’s Shop Green campaign until April 25. Head here for more information.

To enjoy more discounts on eco-friendly purchases, top up with ShopeePay. Get free shipping with a minimum spend of ₱199. You can also enjoy 8% cashback with a minimum spend of ₱1,000.