The latest patch for Dragon Rise Online went live last week and has brought new features, changes to the PvE leaderboards and bug fixes.
Here’s the run down of the the changes patch 182 brings:
- PvE Leaderbords: Stability and Convenience improvements: Season End timers was brought and some stability issues were issued.
- Added Skill bar: a skill bar used for vanity items and different skill loadouts
- Dark Dwarf Heist Event Improvement: Daily challenges, minion progression reblanaced across experience levels, gear power increase, white items no longer drop from bosses.
As mentioned, the patch also brings the ff. bug fixes:
- PVE Leaderboards on the active dungeon.
- PVE Leaderboards class icons have been fixed.
- Improvements have been made to multiple maps to prevent stuck players or monsters.
- Continuous music after a boss has been killed.
- Fixed a section of the bridge in the Full Moon Event this blocked attacks and trapped mobs.
- Missing upgraded item enchantments on old exclusive gear has been restored.
As an added note, we were informed that if you are experiecing technical issues with the patching process, connecting after installing the patch, or errors while playing a newly-patched game, you can head to the support site or post in their technical forum.
For more information about the game, you can head to the official Dragon Rise Fanpage.