Pinoy ‘Community’ Fan Submits Idea For LEGO Set, Garners 10,000 Supporters

Six seasons, a movie (???) and a LEGO set!

When the COVID-19-induced enhanced community quarantine gets tough, tough fanboys and fangirls get going.

This applies to filmmaker Ivan Guerrero, who recently garnered 10,000 votes to support his LEGO Idea of building the Community Greendale Community College study room. What possibly owed to the speed of which he garnered votes is the call by Community star Yvette Nicole Brown, who retweeted Guerrero on May 10. He reached the 10,000 threshold within three days.



At this stage, LEGO will decide whether or not they will review his play set, approve it for production, and sell it to the market. This is not the first time Guerrero does this, as he has had his LEGO Idea of 123 Sesame Street approved and sold at the San Diego Comic Con, which flew off the shelves.