Cartoon Network named its new Ultimate Pinoy Rockstar during a very ‘beary’ Christmas event, held in the SM Mall of Asia Atrium, on December 10.
Ethan Skye took home the title of Cartoon Network Ultimate Rockstar. The nine-year-old drummer bested a dozen finalists during the competition and was awarded a plaque and certificate. He also secured a five-year talent management contract with Viva Artists Agency to jumpstart his career in the entertainment industry.
I get really motivated to perform on stage just by seeing the audience enjoy what I do, I hope to encourage everyone to just be themselves and not to be afraid to go out and play.
He shared, Ethan, who is a fan of Chad Smith of the legendary rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, said that he likes to perform because he wanted to share his talent and passion with other kids.
Aside from the competition, the Cartoon Network Very ‘Beary’ Christmas event also hosted onstage games. Hundreds of kids and families got to enjoy activities that allowed them to be rock stars for a day, including a guitar battle and a drum arcade. Participants also practiced their pipes at the Rockaraoke booth. Lots of prizes, including cool Cartoon Network merchandise and toys, were given away to those who participated in the activities.
Throughout the event, attendees were treated to performances by the adorable bear-bros Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear, as well as Cartoon Network Rockstar guest judges Teacher Georcelle of G-Force, Andre Paras and Kim Molina.
Cartoon Network Rockstar is the culmination of a month-long talent search that brought together the most talented kids from all over the Philippines. Held annually during the Cartoon Network Christmas event, this gives a chance for kids to showcase their talents, have fun with their peers, and celebrate a very rockin’ Christmas with their loved ones.