We Are Giving Away a Hearthstone Aranna Starseeker Bundle and a Tavern Pass

With The Felfire Festival well on it’s way, and also the release of our review for Patch 17.4 we are giving you guys the opportunity to win an Aranna Starseeker Bundle (worth $19.99) , and a Tavern Pass (worth $9.99) that we’re giving away next week.

To join the giveaway, you have to do the following:

  1. Comment on our 17.4 Review
  2. Share this Facebook post on your wall and tag three (3) of your friends
  3. Join our Discord Server
  4. Leave a screenshot of your comment along with your Facebook post at the #💰hearthstone-giveaway text chat

The giveaway will run from today until July 10, 2020 12:00 NN. Announcement of winners will be on Sunday July 12, 2020 12:00 NN. I’ll update this post with the winners names as well!

We’ll have participants run through a random list generator. We’ll award the first on the list the Aranna Starseeker Bundle, while the second on the list will win the Tavern Pass.

So good luck everyone!

Congratulations to our winners:

  1. Joel Palagina (Aranna Starseeker Bundle)
  2. Ernest Elbert Del Rosario (Tavern Pass)