Everything We Know About Harbor, VALORANT's Newest Agent Header Image

Everything We Know About Harbor, VALORANT’s Newest Agent

With VALORANT‘s newest episode dropping in a few hours. Riot Games announced their latest agent for the game. The Indian Agent who has control over water, Harbor.

#1 He’s an Indian Agent

As per Riot Games here’s their excerpt for Harbor.

Hailing from India’s coast, Harbor storms the field wielding ancient technology with dominion over water. He unleashes frothing rapids and crushing waves to shield his allies and pummel those that oppose him.

#2 He’s a Controller

Here’s a rundown of Harbor‘s abilities.

Harbor skill High TideHigh Tide (E)

  • Equip a wall of water. FIRE to send the water forward along the ground. HOLD FIRE to guide the water in the direction of your crosshair, passing through the world, spawning a wall along the water’s path. ALT FIRE while bending to stop the water early. Players hit are SLOWED.

Harbor skill CoveCove (Q)

  • Equip a sphere of shielding water. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to underhand throw. Upon impacting the ground, spawn a water shield that blocks bullets.

Harbor skill CascadeCascade (C)

  • Equip a wave of water. FIRE to send the wave rolling forward and through walls. RE-USE to stop the wave. Players hit are SLOWED.

Harbor skill ReckoningReckoning (X)

  • Equip the full power of your Artifact. FIRE to summon a geyser pool on the ground. Enemy players in the area are targeted by successive geyser strikes. Players caught within a strike are CONCUSSED.

His skills are best for map control with his High Tide. He can also provide shields and support while also providing concussion attacks with his ult.

#3 Riot contacted consultants in India for Harbor

The team works towards authentic representation from a bunch of simultaneous angles. We contracted with multiple external consultants from India to aggregate for us a ton of research on the country’s regions, cities, languages, traditions, values, pastimes, food and drink, media, and on and on, for the internal team to immerse themselves in and be inspired by and incorporate into their work. Then the iterative feedback cycle would begin, passing our work-in-progress back and forth with them to ensure our interpretations hit the mark. Our writers worked hand in hand with Indian Rioters both in Riot’s MENA office and the Los Angeles office to help shape Harbor’s voice and demeanor and use of Hindi language.

According to Joe Killeen, Narrative Writer

#4 He’s created to compete against Viper

According to designer, Alexander Mistakidis, Harbor was created to compete against Viper, another controller agent.

We set out to create a Controller that didn’t have to go off into another world or look at a map to place their vision block. We also wanted to create an Agent that could compete with Viper on the maps where she is almost exclusively played. After Kevin Meier completed his initial explorations, he honed in on Harbor being an Agent that can shape their vision block on the battlefield in creative ways.

#5 He gets a free sheriff skin

Similar to all agents in VALORANT, Harbor also has a final unlockable skin. For his final free skin unlockable, he gets a sheriff skin. He joins the prestigious list of agents such as Brimstone, Jett, Sova, and Yoru who has a sheriff as their last unlockable gun skin.